WMU News

Kalamazoo's most popular musical returns

Oct. 26, 2001

KALAMAZOO -- The world's.. and Kalamazoo's.. most popular musical, "Les Miserables," returns to Miller Auditorium for eight performances, Oct. 31 through Nov. 4.

Evening performances are begin at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31, Thursday, Nov. 1, and on Sunday, Nov. 4, and at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 2-3. There are 2 p.m. matinee performances on Thursday, Nov. 1, and on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 3-4.

Ticket prices range from $55 to $20 and can be purchased through the Miller Auditorium Ticket Office at 616 387-2300, toll-free 800 228-9858, or on the Web <www.millerauditorium.com>.

Based on Victor Hugo's classic novel and created by librettist Alain Boublil and composer Claude-Michel Schönberg, "Les Miserables" is an epic saga which sweeps through three turbulent decades of 19th century France. Full of romance, passion, suspense and humanity, "Les Miserables" is also the story of one man, the fugitive Jean Valjean, who is pitted against the cruel and self-righteous police inspector, Javert, in a life-long struggle to evade capture.

Seen by over 42 million people with more than 32,000 performances, Les Miserables has been nicknamed "the world's most popular musical." It is also Kalamazoo's favorite. The musical has been staged at Miller twice before, in 1993 and 1999. The 1993 performances drew a total audience of more than 27,000.

Media contact: Krista Iles, 616 387-2298, krista.iles@wmich.edu

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