WMU News

Haenicke happy with selection of Floyd

May 7, 1998

KALAMAZOO -- Western Michigan University President Diether H. Haenicke said he feels "very, very comfortable" with the selection of Elson S. Floyd as his successor.

"I'm particularly happy that the choice was so unanimous, that the board members all felt that they could support this particular candidate," he said. "That is enormously important for the success of the next president."

Haenicke said he especially liked the fact that Floyd obviously wanted the WMU job very much.

"He likes the institution, he likes what we are doing, he likes the trajectory on which we are," Haenicke said. "He feels he has an affinity to our goals as an ascending national university. He has seen a small university, he has seen a big university, so he has a feel for both. He is certainly a person with a very high energy level."

Haenicke said students, faculty and staff can ease the transition by being ready and willing to work with Floyd. Haenicke himself has offered to meet and discuss how he can help.

"What now has to happen is what always happens when you get new leadership: You just simply throw your full weight and your support and your enthusiasm behind the new person," he said. "I always come from the assumption that everyone in the institution - and certainly the new president - wants the best for the institution. So we all pull in the same direction."

Media contact: Ruth Stevens; ruth.stevens@wmich.edu

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