WMU News

Public hearings set in NCAA certification

May 19, 1998

KALAMAZOO -- As part of an NCAA certification process, Western Michigan University officials will conduct a public hearing from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 3, in the Faculty Lounge of the Bernhard Center.

"The purpose of the hearing is to gather ideas and input from the WMU campus community as well as the larger community about athletics at WMU and the draft report of our steering committee," said Dr. Jan W. Lyddon, director of planning and institutional research at WMU.

Lyddon is chairperson of a 13-member steering committee that is conducting WMU's institutional self-study, a part of certification by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. A copy of the steering committee's draft report is available for review at the circulation desk in Waldo Library.

The committee includes Kathy B. Beauregard, director of intercollegiate athletics, and members drawn from the faculty, staff, students, athletics department and community. The committee is conducting the self-study according to standards adopted by the NCAA in 1993.

The certification process examines each institution's financial integrity, rules compliance and commitment to equity in its athletics programs. WMU, along with all 307 NCAA Division I schools, is participating in the project. WMU was part of the NCAA's two-year certification pilot program that began in 1990.

Following the self-study, a team of representatives of other Division I institutions and conferences will conduct an external review. This is expected to occur in December 1998, with a report to be issued early in 1999. Recertification takes place every 10 years.

"While academic accreditation has long been common for colleges and universities, this NCAA program is the first to focus solely on certification of athletics programs," Lyddon said. "Each year, about 60 Division I institutions take part in this process."

Persons who have questions may call Lyddon at (616) 387-4422 or e-mail her at <jan.lyddon@wmich.edu>.

Media contact: Mike Matthews; michael.matthews@wmich.edu

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