WMU News

WMU student wins state award

May 5, 1998

KALAMAZOO -- Apryl Clay, a Western Michigan University graduate student, has won the first Outstanding Tutor Award from the Michigan Tutorial Association.

Clay, a supplemental instruction leader in the WMU Academic Skills Center, was chosen from a field of seven candidates based upon her contributions to student tutoring, her community involvement and her stature as an exemplary role model to other tutors and WMU students at large.

Since 1995, Clay has served in a variety of capacities within the WMU Center for Academic Support Programs. She has tutored and mentored students, worked with small groups on study skills and provided tutor training and evaluation. More recently, she has served as a supplemental instruction leader while also conducting seminars on college success strategies for undergraduate students.

"Apryl loves helping her students learn and grow," says Marilyn V. Duke, director of the Academic Skills Center, who nominated Clay for the award. "Her ideal appears to be for her students to become independent of her assistance as well as the most successful students in their classes. She epitomizes the model of a first-class tutor, peer leader, mentor and upcoming student academic affairs professional."

Clay will receive $200 and a plaque recognizing the honor. Both will be presented at the MTA 1998 Fall Conference at Muskegon Community College.

A native of Detroit, Clay is currently pursing a master's degree in counseling in higher education. She earned her bachelor's degree in mathematics from WMU in 1997.

The Michigan Tutorial Association is comprised of learning assistance faculty and staff at two-year and four-year colleges, vocation/technical schools and universities in Michigan. The group provides networking, inservice training opportunities and programming to advance the knowledge and expertise of tutors, professional staff and faculty in the academic support services field.

Media contact: Julie Paavola; julie.paavola@wmich.edu

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