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Greening the campus while improving workflow

Aug. 14, 2008

KALAMAZOO--Western Michigan University continues efforts to increase online business and personnel transactions, improving workflow and reducing paper consumption as part of the University's "green initiative."

The most-recent change took effect July 28 and included Temporary Appointment Forms and Incidental Payment Forms, previously called One-Time Pay Forms. Those transactions can now be made only online.

"The electronic workflow greatly simplifies the previous paper process, reduces processing time and supports the University's move toward being a 'green' campus," says Michael Meister, project lead and director of university budgets.

"System users will not need to call other areas to track the location of the paper forms. They will be able to view online where the form is within the approval process. The system should also help reduce errors experienced when manually filling out the forms and will include systematic reporting for the relevant departments."

Eventually, electronic processing will replace all paper personnel forms. The next phase of the project includes moving student and graduate assistantship appointments to the online system, which will be followed by faculty and staff appointments.

The project team is composed of representatives from across campus, including academic and student affairs, budget, Grants and Contracts, Human Resources, information technology and Payroll.

For more information, contact Human Resources at (269) 387-3620.

Media contact: Thom Myers, (269) 387-8400, thom.myers@wmich.edu

WMU News
Office of University Relations
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5433 USA
(269) 387-8400