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Who Killed the Electric Car?

Feb. 5, 2007

KALAMAZOO--The film "Who Killed the Electric Car?" will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7, in Room 1220 of Western Michigan University's new Chemistry Building. Admission to both the film and a discussion afterward are free and open to the public.

In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads across California and Arizona. They were said to be among the fastest, most efficient production cars ever built. They produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline. Now, 10 years later, General Motors' fleet of EV1s has vanished. What happened?

A Sony Pictures Classic, "Who Killed the Electric Car?" chronicles the life and mysterious death of the GM EV1, examining its cultural and economic ripple effects, and how they reverberated through the halls of government and business.

"Who Killed the Electric Car?" is brought to WMU as part of the Be-In-The-Know Film Series, sponsored by several student and community organizations, including the WMU Progressive Student Alliance and Students for a Sustainable Earth.

For more information on the film, commentary, directions or parking, visit www.beintheknowfilms.org or call (269) 387-2265.

Media contact: Tonya Hernandez, (269) 387-8400, tonya.hernandez@wmich.edu

WMU News
Office of University Relations
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5433 USA
(269) 387-8400